FET College


Office Admin Course Costs

The cost of an Office Administration course will depend on many things, such as the institution where you study, the course you study, and how long it takes you to complete the course. 

At our colleges, we offer an ICB Office Administration course that goes up to the Diploma level. The course cost consists of:

  • Tuition charges
  • Study notes costs
  • Book expenses (Textbooks and notebooks, etc.)
  • Academic assistance and tutoring (through telephone, email, WhatsApp, and Skype)
  • Courier expenses

Your course costs does NOT include:

  • ICB Exam fees
  • ICBA Trainee Membership costs
  • ICB Trainee Subscription charges

Since we offer many courses that differ in content, length, and level of certification, we do not have a standardised fee. Your fees will depend on the length of your course, and how long you take to complete it. 

For example, if you study full-time, you can complete the full course in three years, and you will pay for three years of studying. However, if you study part-time, it can take much longer, up to seven years. You will then pay for seven years of studying. Because of this, at colleges such as Skills Academy, we offer different payment methods to help our students to afford the courses they want to study.

How Long Does It Take To Complete ICB Office Administration Course?

This can depend on many factors. The minimum amount of time it will take to complete the full ICB Office Administration qualifications is three years. However, this is if you can study full-time and take all of your subjects at the same time. 

If you study part-time, or you chose to separate your subjects, it will take longer for you to complete the ICB Office Administration course. It can take as long as seven years to complete. 

Can I Study Office Administration Online?

Yes, you can study ICB Office Administration online. There are many reputable colleges that offer ICB Office Administration courses online through distance learning, so you have no face-to-face classes. Some of these reputable distance learning colleges are: 

You will be given a student login once you register with any of these institutions. This login can be used to access the ICB student portal. This is where you will upload your Portfolio of Evidence, and where you will be given assignments and assessments.

Can I Study Office Admin Without Matric?

Yes, you can study the ICB Office Administration course without Matric. You can use a Matric Equivalent qualification to apply to study the ICB Office Administration course. If you do not have a Matric Equivalent, you can get one by studying one of the other ICB courses. 
  • ICB Business Management – Small Business Financial Management: ICB National Certificate
  • ICB Financial Accounting – Bookkeeping: ICB National Certificate and Bookkeeping: ICB FET National Certificate
You can view the entry requirements for all three ICB courses below.

ICB Study Stream

Business Management

Financial Accounting

Office Administration 

Entry Requirement

Grade 11 or Equivalent

Grade 10 or Equivalent

Matric or Equivalent

Examples of Equivalents

  • NC (V) at NQF level 3
  • ICB National Certificate in Bookkeeping
  • NC (V) at NQF level 2
  • NC (V) at NQF level 4
  • ICB FET Certificate in Bookkeeping
  • ICB National Certificate in Small Business Financial Management

You can also study any of these ICB courses at the following reputable distance learning colleges: 

Below, you can find all the information you need about ICB courses, such as entry requirements, career options, and subjects you will study.

ICB Office Administration

National Certificate: Office Administration
QualificationNational Certificate
NQF Level5
Accredited byICB & QCTO
SAQA ID Number23618
Entry RequirementsMatric or Matric Equivalent (Small Business Financial Management: ICB National Certificate or Bookkeeping: ICB National Certificate)
  • Business and Office Administration 1 (BOA1)
  • Bookkeeping to Trial Balance (BKTB)
  • Business Literacy (BUSL)
  • Marketing Management and Public Relations (MMPR)
  • Business Law and Administrative Practice (BLAP)
  • Cost and Management Accounting (CMGT)
Career Options
  • Junior Office Administrator
  • Receptionist
  • Office Assistant
Higher Certificate: Office Administration
QualificationHigher Certificate
NQF Level5
Accredited byICB & QCTO
SAQA ID Number23619
Entry RequirementsICB National Certificate: Office Administration
  • Business and Office Administration 2 (BOA2)
  • Human Resources Management and Labour Relations (HRLR)
  • Economics (ECON)
Career Options
  • Senior Office Administrator
  • General Office Manager
  • Labour Relations Administrator
Diploma: Office Administration
QualificationNational Diploma
NQF Level6
Accredited byICB & QCTO
SAQA ID Number35958
Entry RequirementsICB Higher Certificate: Office Administration
  • Business and Office Administration 3 (BOA3)
  • Financial Statements (FNST)
  • Management (MGMT)
Career Options
  • Office Manager
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Administrative Manager

ICB Business Management

National Certificate: Small Business Financial Management


National Certificate

NQF Level


Accredited by


SAQA ID Number




Entry Requirements

Grade 11 or Equivalent Certificate  (Bookkeeping: ICB FET Certificate)


  • Business Management 1 (BMT1)
  • Bookkeeping to Trial Balance (BKTB)
  • Business Literacy (BUSL)

Career Options

  • Junior Researcher
  • Junior Analyst
  • Sales Assistant

Higher Certificate: Office Administration


Higher Certificate

NQF Level


Accredited by


SAQA ID Number




Entry Requirements

National Certificate: Small Business Financial Management


  • Office and Legal Practice (OLPR)
  • Business Management 2 (BMT2)
  • Marketing Management and Public Relations (MMPR)
  • Financial Statements (FNST)
  • Human Resources Management and Labour Relations (HRLR)

Career Options

  • Senior Office Administrator
  • General Office Manager
  • Customer Service Manager

National Diploma: Financial Accounting


National Diploma

NQF Level


Accredited by


SAQA ID Number




Entry Requirements

ICB Higher Certificate: Office Administration


  • Business Management 3 (BMT3)
  • Financial Management and Control (FMCL)
  • Financial Reporting and Regulatory Frameworks (FRRF)
  • Research Theory and Practice (by short dissertation, topic: Business Management) (RTAP)

Career Options

  • Accounting Officer
  • Business Manager
  • Business Advisor

ICB Financial Accounting

National Certificate: Bookkeeping


National Certificate

NQF Level


Accredited by


SAQA ID Number




Entry Requirements

Grade 10 or Equivalent Certificate


  • Bookkeeping to Trial Balance (BKTB)
  • Payroll and Monthly SARS Returns (PMSR)
  • Computerised Bookkeeping (CPBK)
  • Business Literacy (BUSL)

Career Options

  • Junior Bookkeeper
  • Accounts Clerk
  • Payroll Clerk

Further Education And Training Certificate: Bookkeeping


FET Certificate

NQF Level


Accredited by


SAQA ID Number




Entry Requirements

ICB National Certificate: Bookkeeping


  • Financial Statements (FNST)
  • Cost and Management Accounting (CMGT)

Career Options

  • Senior Bookkeeper
  • Junior Accountant
  • Assistant Accountant

National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting


National Diploma

NQF Level


Accredited by


SAQA ID Number




Entry Requirements

ICB Further Education And Training Certificate: Bookkeeping


  • Income Tax Returns (ITRT)
  • Business Law and Accounting Control (BLAC)

Career Options

  • Technical Financial Accountant
  • Accounting Technician
  • Tax Technician

National Diploma: Financial Accounting


National Diploma

NQF Level


Accredited by


SAQA ID Number




Entry Requirements

ICB National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting


  • Corporate Strategy (CRPS)
  • Management Accounting Control Systems (MACS)
  • Financial Reporting and Regulatory Frameworks (FRRF)
  • Research Theory and Practice (by short dissertation; topic: Financial Accounting) (RTAP)

Career Options

  • Financial Accountant
  • Tax Practitioner
  • Tax Consultant


You can also use your ICB Financial Accounting qualifications to apply to study CIMA qualifications, which go up to the Degree level. 

Can I Get My Matric To Study Office Administration?

Yes, you can. Whether you failed and would like to improve to a pass, or you did not get to write your Matric, there are options available for you to get your Matric. There are three options available for different needs: 

  • Matric Rewrite – for students under 21 who have written Matric, but would like to improve their results
  • Matric Upgrade – for students 21 and older who have written Matric, but would like to improve their results
  • Adult Matric – for adults 21 and older who have not written Matric before and would like to get their Matric

Matric Rewrite

This option is available whether you failed and would like to improve to a pass, or if you passed but are unsatisfied with your results and would like to improve them. 

You may rewrite a maximum of four subjects. You cannot change any of your subjects, you must rewrite subjects you wrote for your Matric final exams. 


There is no limit to how many times you can rewrite your Matric. You can rewrite your Matric up to five years after your Matric exams, as long as you are still under the age of 21. 

Matric Upgrade

This option is available whether you failed and would like to improve to a pass, or if you passed but are unsatisfied with your results and would like to improve them. 


You may upgrade a maximum of four subjects. However, you may also choose to change up to four of your subjects instead. 

There is no limit to how many times you can upgrade your Matric. There is also no time limit on when you can upgrade your Matric, as long as you are 21 or older. 

Adult Matric

This option is available for those who did not complete their high school education and write their Matric exams. You can do your Adult Matric and get your Senior Certificate (Amended)

This Adult Matric certificate will function the same way as a National Senior Certificate, known as school Matric. You can use this to apply for work or to further your studies depending on how well you pass. 

Where Can I Study Matric Programmes?

There are many reputable distance learning colleges that offer Matric programmes so that you can study for your Matric online. Some of these colleges are: 

How Much Are Office Administrators Paid In South Africa?

The pay scale for an Office Administrator in South Africa is R 4 300 – R 20 100 per month. The average salary for an Office Administrator in South Africa is currently R 11 030 per month. 

Your salary can be determined by these factors:

  1. Experience
  2. Qualifications
  3. Location

What Have We Learned?

  • Office Administration course costs can vary depending on many factors
  • You can study ICB Office Administration online
  • You can study Office Administration without Matric

Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date: August 11 , 2022

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