FET College


So What’s Black Friday all About?

So what’s Black Friday about? Black Friday is the last Friday in November. In 2018 it is on 23 November. It’s the day after Thanksgiving in America and it officially marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. Shops open their doors at midnight and people rush to the shops to get their hands on the awesome specials. Shops traditionally have incredible deals on all their products and shoppers hurry to get them before they are sold out. 


What Kinds of Products are on Sale?

Anything. Everything. You will find Black Friday deals on everything from groceries, electronics, clothing, cars, flights, phones, and even some restaurants have Black Friday deals and specials. If you can think of it, somewhere there is a shop that is having a Black Friday special on it.


When did Black Friday Start?

The name Black Friday has a long history that goes back all the way to September of 1869 and a terrible stock market crash that left thousands of people bankrupt. After that, it got used in the 1950’s by police to refer to the day before the big football game between the US Navy and the US Army. It was only in the 1980’s that Black Friday became what it is today.

Is it Only Once a Year?

Yes, but Black Friday has become so popular that it has turned into several days of shopping. There is Grey Thursday (the night before Black Friday), Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Small Business Sunday and Cyber Monday. So don’t worry. You have four days of amazing specials to look forward to.

Now you know a bit more about  Black Friday. You can read more about it here or here.


Don’t forget to join our Black Friday Sales 2018 group on Facebook.

Sign up for our Black Friday Specials Alerts in order to stay up to date with any new specials.


Bonus Fun Fact: Black Friday is the busiest day in the year for plumbers.


What is Black Friday all About

Written by: Clifford Ekron

Last updated: November 26, 2018

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