FET College


When Exactly is Black Friday?

When exactly is Black Friday? It is on the last Friday of November. That means that the date changes every year. In the next four years it will be on the following dates: 

  • Black Friday 2018 – 23 November
  • Black Friday 2019 – 29 November
  • Black Friday 2020 – 27 November
  • Black Friday 2021 – 26 November


When did Black Friday Start?

Black Friday as we know it started in the 1960’s though it only really caught on in America in the 1980’s. There are other events called Black Friday going back as far as an terrible stock market crash in 1869 which left thousands of people bankrupt.


What Products are on Sale on Black Friday?

You will find deals on everything from groceries to cars and everything in between. Shops generally don’t share their specials before Black Friday so you will need to join a Facebook group like this one to get a few tips on Black Friday Specials specials.


Which Stores Have Black Friday Specials?

The list of stores is too long to write out because almost every store has Black Friday Specials. Here are some of the biggest or most popular ones:


Is Black Friday Really Such a big Deal?

While it’s true that Black Friday is primarily an American thing, countries around the world, including South Africa, have started doing Black Friday. A few years ago Black Friday passed almost unnoticed and most people didn’t really understand what was happening. In 2016 there was hardly any buzz about Black Friday, in 2017 the amount of buzz had skyrocketed. You can see a more detailed explanation in this 2017 article from BizCommunity.

As you can see, Black Friday is not only here and here to stay but it is growing with each passing year!.


Written by: Clifford Ekron

Last updated: November 20, 2018

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