FET College


Do Universities Accept Upgraded Marks?

Can I Apply At University While Upgrading My Matric?

This depends on how well you passed Matric. If you were hoping to study for a Bachelor’s Degree but got a Diploma pass, some universities will allow you to begin studying a Diploma course.

You may then be allowed to transfer to a Bachelor’s Degree course once you have successfully completed your Matric Upgrade, provided you meet the requirements. Note that the university reserves the right to reject your application for a transfer of qualifications.

Yes, universities do accept upgraded marks. Once you have completed a Matric Upgrade, you will apply to the Department of Basic Education for a combination of results.

Your initial results and your upgraded results will then be combined into one certificate that shows only your best marks.

Who Qualifies For A Matric Upgrade?

You can qualify for a Matric Upgrade if you meet the following requirements: 

  • You are over the age of 21
  • You have completed Matric and received your results
  • You have failed or are not satisfied with your results

How Long Does It Take To Upgrade My Matric Results?

This depends on how many subjects you want to upgrade and how you want to disperse your studies. You may upgrade a maximum of four subjects. 

You may choose to:

  • Upgrade four subjects in one year and complete your upgrade in one year
  • Upgrade two subjects per year for two years and complete your upgrade in two years

There is no limit to the number of times you can upgrade your Matric. This means that if you complete your upgrade but are still unsatisfied with your results, you can upgrade your results again. You can do this as many times as you like. 

Can I Upgrade My Matric Results After 5 Years?

Yes, you can upgrade your results any time after you have turned 21. There is no age limit to doing a Matric Upgrade as long as you are over the age of 21. 

Can You Do Matric In 3 Months?

No, you cannot complete Matric in three months. The fastest way you can complete your Matric is if you are doing a Matric Rewrite. You can then register for your rewrite in January/February and write the exams in May/June. This means you will complete it in under six months. 

However, if you are completing a Matric Upgrade, redoing your Matric year, or doing an Adult Matric, it will take a minimum of 12 months to complete. 

If you are doing an Adult Matric, it can take up to three years to complete your Matric, depending on how you choose to distribute your six subjects. 

You may choose to:

  • Write six subjects in one year and complete your Adult Matric in one year
  • Write three subjects per year for two years and complete your Adult Matric in two years
  • Write two subjects per year for three years and complete your upgrade in three years

Does NSFAS Fund Matric Upgrade?

No, NSFAS does not fund any Matric studies. NSFAS only funds South African students studying:

  • Undergraduate qualifications at South African universities


  •  ABET courses at South African TVET colleges

What Have We Learned?

  • Universities do accept upgraded marks
  • You can apply to study at a university while you upgrade your Matric, provided you passed well enough to study a lower qualification
  • It can take up to two years to upgrade your Matric
  • There is no time limit to when you can upgrade your Matric as long as you are over the age of 21
  • You cannot complete Matric in three months
  • NSFAS does not fund any Matric studies

Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Razeen Dollie
Date: July 13, 2022

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