ICB Past Exam Papers
Many ICB students ask about getting ICB past exam papers to use to practice for their exams….so can you get these? The short answer is no. Past papers are not available because if outcomes change, past papers will be outdated – and we need to protect the credibility of the papers. Your course materials (which do contain sample questions) and the ICB Assignments and Tests that go into your PoE will prepare you for the questions in your final exam. Please speak to your training provider if you feel you need extra help.
Here is the good news! there is more than one way that you can prepare for your ICB exam, even without past ICB past exam papers.
ICB Assignments
The three assignments which make up the formative mark in your PoE are important. They’ve been designed to prepare you for the tests and your final exam, these will help you just as much, if not more, than using ICB past exam papers. These assignments are to be completed under uncontrolled conditions – in other words, you can do them in your own time, when and however you want to. They must be completed in the Assignment Answer Books you’ve been given, and added to your PoE before your final exam.
ICB Tests
According to the ICB assessment policy you must complete two tests as part of your overall assessment. There is no minimum mark you need to get for them, but they do count towards your final mark. Distance learning and independent/private students will receive their ICB Test Question Papers and Answer Books in their PoE, and must complete them during the course of their studies. Study accredited ICB courses in the comfort of your own home and at your pace with the distance learning institution Matric College. These act like ICB past exams papaers excapt they will be even better because they will test your knowledge rather than spoon feeding you the answers. ICB assessors will mark them with the final exam.Your ICB Test Answer Books MUST be included in your PoE when you hand it in at your final exam, so hang on to them and keep them safe!
A huge part of the ICB assessment policy is your portfolio of evidence (PoE).The ICB uses Portfolios of Evidence (PoE) to conduct student exams. During your course, you will add things like exercises and assignments to your PoE. When you go to write your final exam you’ll put your question and answer paper into your full PoE and hand everything in. All this evidence in your PoE is examined by an ICB registered assessor, who uses it to decide whether you are competent in that particular subject this will count for 30% of your total mark.You must complete all the ICB Assignments and Tests before your final exam date and make sure you have inserted them into your PoE.
If you need more help with your ICB course contact our friendly student support center on 021 838 8250.
Last updated: 18 November 2021