Welcome to the ICB prospectus 2017 page. Find out everything that you need to know about ICB courses, payments, registrations, the learner portal and more.
What is the ICB prospectus?
A prospectus is a printed or digital booklet that is used for explaining and expanding on information regarding a certain school. Each year the ICB releases a prospectus so that students and potential students can find out all about how the ICB works, what courses are on offer, how and when to make payments and more.
What is detailed in the ICB prospectus 2017?
The ICB prospectus 2017 gives you the following information:
- how to choose what to study
- how to choose how to study
- what the ICB learning experience is all about
- how to study even further
- FAQ and useful info
Where can I find the ICB Prospectus 2017?
You can find the ICB prospectus 2017, as well as any other ICB documents you might need, here: ICB Downloads
Last Updated: March 26,2019