FET College


ICB Student Portal

Welcome to the ICB student portal information page. Here you will find all the information that you need to be able to access and use the ICB student portal.

What is the ICB Student Portal?

The ICB has a Student Portal which lets students manage their profiles directly with the ICB, by going online. As an ICB student, you can do the following things on the ICB student portal.

  • Register as a student of the ICB
  • Enter for exams (distance learning students only)
  • See your exam results (distance learning students learners only)
  • View and edit your personal and contact details
  • Order certificate reprints
  • Make payments to the ICB using a credit card (and other usual methods)

How does it work?

If you are an existing ICB learner (i.e. have an ICB ref number) and are new to the student portal, you will need to register online to create your account. Complete the registration process by entering the following details:

  1. Username – this can be any name of your choosing.
  2. Password – this can be any password of your choosing.
  3. Email – your personal email address, which ICB will use to communicate with you.
  4. ID number – Your SA ID number, as it is on your SA ID document

As new learner to ICB, you will be required to register/update your personal and contact details to ICB’s database. Once you’ve completed this process you will be able to enroll yourself for exams with the ICB, which will make available your ICB portfolio and assessment material.

Where do I log into the ICB student portal?

It’s simple! You can just follow the link here: ICB student portal login and enter your details and you can start using the ICB student portal.


If you need more help using the ICB Student Portal and you are registered with Skills Academy you can call our friendly student support centre on 021 838 8250.

Last updated: November 8th 2016

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