How to register your private FET College
In order to be able to provide courses that are recognised level 2–4 on the National Qualifications Framework, your college must be registered as a private FET college with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), and conform to the FET Colleges Act, 2006 (Act 16 of 2006).
If you are only planning on providing further education and training under the South African Schools Act, you do not need to register. Also, if your institution only offers courses that are short, non-NQF, or otherwise only a part of a qualification, you will not be affected by the FET Colleges Act, 2006.
The first step to registering your FET College is to submit a completed application form to the DHET. There is a R500 application fee that is not refundable. This can be paid in cash, via postal order or cheque.
With Matric College there are fully Accredited Courses and Matric Courses like the Adult Matric Programme or Matric Equivalent Course you can take to improve your skills, and the good news is that you can do these courses from home through distance learning. Adult Matric is commonly referred to as Senior Certificate (Amended).
If you wrote your Matric in 2008 or after and you want to improve your results or take on new subjects, a Matric Upgrade gives you the chance to do so. You will receive a National Senior Certificate after completing this course. Here is what you can do with our Matric Upgrade programme:
- Add new subjects to your Matric Certificate
- Aim for a higher pass level
- Go from a Fail to a Pass
- Change your subjects
- Improve your current marks
Study Matric Online and you will be able to further your studies where colleges/universities require Matric. Register today and start your learning journey.
You can start your NATED course with a Matric Certificate. Specific NATED courses can be started with a Matric Equivalent Certificate. The NATED courses offered at Matric College are:
- Business Management Courses (Matric or Equivalent Certificate)
- Educare Courses (Only a Matric Certificate)
- Financial Management Courses (Matric or Equivalent Certificate)
- Human Resource Management Courses (Matric or Equivalent Certificate)
- Legal Secretary Courses (Only a Matric Certificate)
- Management Assistant Courses (Matric or Equivalent Certificate)
- Marketing Management Courses (Matric or Equivalent Certificate)
Registration may take up to six months to be completed, so make sure that you are well prepared and that you apply well in advance.
For more information on forms and procedures, contact the DHET directly:
Department of Higher Education and Training
Tel: 080 087 2222
Fax: 012 323 8817
Physical address: Department of Higher Education and Training, Directorate: Private FET Colleges, 6th Floor, Room 629, 123 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria.
Postal address: Private Bag X174, Pretoria, 0001.
Are you looking for a private FET distance learning college? Click on the button below.
Quick and Easy Registration
Registration can take up so much of your time. However at Skills Academy they have made the process quick, easy and simple. Skills Academy is an accredited distance learning institution in South Africa. Apart from quick and easy registration, Skills Academy has offers their students several benefits.
- 30 day money back
- Enough time to finish your studies
- Stop paying when you finish early
All you have to do is choose one of their many courses or have a look at one of the careers you can do with their courses. You then have three options:
- You can call them toll free
- Chat to them on WhatsApp
- Fill in an online call back form
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Last Updated: 12 January 2022